Global Health

We provide research and assessments that support development initiatives in maternal health, public health response, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). ORB International is also a leading provider of data pertaining to vaccine confidence and COVID-19 response around the globe.

Global Health Picture

Defense and Security

We utilize public opinion data to evaluate attitudes and opinions of target audiences (TAs) and understand violent extremist organization (VEO) strongholds in target countries. We also work with governments and agencies to assess measures of effectiveness (MOE) and measures of performance (MOP) for messaging campaigns and transnational partnerships in security sectors.

Governance and Social Cohesion

We support democracy, rights and governance programs by connecting public opinion data with civic actors and government representatives. We also monitor and measure development programs that aim to reduce conflict and support increased social cohesion among at-risk communities.

Media and Target Audiences

We monitor and analyze local media outlets and channels for specific information flows on targeted topics to inform relevant stakeholders. We also assess the effectiveness of campaign material to create tailored messaging among target audiences.


We monitor economic, food security and social support services for vulnerable and targeted populations. We also use data to assess the impact of livelihood support programs long after interventions take place.


We employ Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Early Grade Mathematic Assessment (EGMA) tools, among others, to understand core educational competencies among school-aged children in developing countries.
