
Reliability & Objectivity

Our industry leading custom designed Quality Control (QC) platform allows us to complete a tripart process utilizing audio, GPS, and machine-coded flags, enabling us to identify in real time fraudulent, incomplete and invalid data. This ensures our ability to address issues in the field and deliver timely, high-quality data serving as the basis for rigorous analytics. Validated data leads to more accurate reflections of programming and environmental realities, allowing our clients to conserve resources, pause and reflect on programming challenges and successes, and provide evidence for scalability.

Depth & Detail

Qualitative research, including focus groups, ethnography, atmospherics, and in-depth interviews. Our core competencies:

  • Governance
  • Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)
  • Humanitarian Assistance
  • Communities in Conflict
  • Resilience
  • Public Health, WASH, and Vaccine Confidence
  • Education
  • Agriculture / GMO research
  • Local Research Capacity Building



Knowledge & Experience

Our work centers around the intersection of complexity and data.

We focus on three spheres:

